Thursday, February 6, 2014

little acts, great big love

Earlier this week, we received this letter in our etsy shop ...

"My family is getting ready to have our final online auction for adoption to raise funds to bring home our 19 month old little boy from South Korea. We are preparing for travel this Spring! We are in desperate need of items to put in our auction. Would you be willing to donate one of your beautiful creations? We would be so very grateful."


As soon as I read the note, I emailed her back to let her know I'd be happy to donate a piece. Because adoption is one of my soft spots, I wanted to reach out and help this family. I remember when my brother and his wife were in the process of adopting their daughter. It was a struggle to come up with the funds. They were selling practically anything that wasn't nailed down. Endless yard sales, car washes, you name it ... they tried it. I wish I could have helped them out in this way when they were going through the process. So, I let her choose something for her auction, and this is what she picked. It's one of my personal favorite pieces that I've designed, and I mailed it to them the next day. I hope it helps them get that much closer to getting their sweet boy home. 

The point of this post? Find your talent, and use it to reach out and help others. Change doesn't necessarily happen with huge gestures and tremendous clamor. It can happen with simple, small acts. Little acts that can snowball into something big and beautiful. Be the change in someone else's life today. You'll never regret it. 

If you'd like to know more about this family, you can read about their adoption here ... 

I usually sign off by saying "be the change", but tonight I'll say "be a blessing" because that's what your one kind gesture might be to someone else. It may be just exactly what that person needed. 

So, until next time, be a blessing ... 


Saturday, January 4, 2014

It's a wrap ...

It's been a whirlwind year for me. The biggest change was joining with my good friend Kimberly as a co-owner of Simple 66 Stuff. She had started the company earlier and asked me to join her at the end of 2012. I had admired and envied her for doing something she loved, and I wanted to do the same. I quickly decided to jump on board, and I have never regretted that decision. 

What I've learned about myself this year ...

I do not like to blog on a regular basis or only write about a particular topic. At the beginning of the year, we had big plans about posting on our website. Our target was three set weekly segments, with others added as needed. That did not happen. Kimberly was already the blogger, but I didn't blog regularly. I posted on my personal blog, but it was never very often. A person doesn't go from barely blogging to writing multiple times weekly without some problems. Or, atleast, this girl didn't. It was a real eye opener for me because I love to write, but I became stressed about every single piece and deadline. It made me crazy! Blog became a bad word around here. So, I stopped. I should have done that sooner, but I'm a people pleasing perfectionist. What a great combo! I'm so glad I finally let myself quit. If something isn't working out, it's okay to reevaluate the situation and change your plan. And it's okay to just say no. That's a huge lesson for me. Now, I only write when I want to write, and I only write what I want to write. It's helped me recapture my joy of writing again. 

Focus, focus, focus. One of the drawbacks of having three weekly segments on the blog was that it ate up all my time and diverted my attention away from what I needed to be doing ... designing, creating, listing, and marketing. I have a lot of other things I do in my life, so my business can't take up all my time. Blogging was cutting into the precious time I needed to be doing those other things to help the business thrive. To tell you the truth, I felt like I really floundered around for a while trying to find my balance and focus. I was having a hard time finding my "brand", my thing. Did I want to be a super blogger? A clever organizer? Another Martha Stewart? A home improvement person extraordinaire? A repurposer? What was I exactly? I had no focus as I was bouncing between too many things. I love knitting and repurposing, I really do. But, it wasn't until I started making jewelry again that things started to click. When I bought my first metal stamp set and starting playing around, I knew I had found my passion. I love almost everything about working with metal. I adore manipulating the raw material into something new, creating a piece that someone will cherish, and seeing the smiles or the tears "when I get it right and even better than they imagined". The upside of a little dabbling and lack of focus was that I finally hit on something that I truly love. Does this mean I won't be knitting or repurposing? No, I'll still be doing those things too, but those things won't take such a large portion of my time. 

Use your passion to make a difference. I've always wanted to use my talents to help others. I've lent my photography to various things in the past, but I've wanted to do so much more. At the end of the summer, it dawned on me that I could use those skills in a way that might benefit others. In September, I contacted my cousin to see if it was okay to design a piece in honor of her brother who lost his life to suicide. She was raising money for her team who was participating in the Out of the Darkness campaign for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I was very honored to have a local shop owner feature this item for sale. Since then, I've added two more "cause" tags to our online Etsy store. One to help a local couple raise money to bring their adopted daughter home from the Democratic Republic of Congo and another that helps a group of beautiful mamas in Africa learn a skill to help better themselves and support their families. I'm very proud of these items, and I'm humbled that my work can help someone else, even if it's in a very small way. I have these three photos on my design board. They are remind me that I CAN make a difference. 

I have been blessed with these talents and the means to use them, so I want to make sure I use them for good. The goal I'm setting for myself this next year is to dream BIG, and I can't wait to see what happens. I'm going to try to be a positive change, no matter if it's in my own home or a world away.

These are all important lessons that I've learned over the past year. I'm so thankful that I was given the opportunity to join Simple 66 Stuff and that Kimberly saw something in me that I didn't see in myself. I'm incredibly grateful to my family and friends who have been supportive during this new adventure. As I embark on this new year, I'll keep these lessons close to my heart, and I look forward to seeing where this new year will take me.  One last thing I'd like you to ponder. Is there is something that you want to try but haven't yet? If so, what are you waiting for?  Jump right in, and do what you love. I can't begin to tell you how good it feels. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!



Out of all the pictures I took on our trip to EWTN in Alabama this past September, this is one of my favorites. I decided to add the text and effects to it for the new year. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Greetings from our family to yours ... 

This is the first year in a long time that I haven't gotten Christmas cards out. I feel kind of bad about it, but I just can't dwell on it. There just wasn't time. I was busy designing and filling orders, I did a holiday show, a graduation celebration, presents to make, and a death in the family to name a few. There was just too much ... too much ... too much. We didn't get a tree until right before Christmas and not from the tree farm. Usually we dress in a thousand layers, go on an adventure and hunt down our perfect tree, topping it off with hot cocoa. This year, we settled for the Lowe's parking lot. Not a lot of fun or excitement there. With everything going on, I had a hard time feeling the Christmas spirit. It was lucky we ended up having any gifts under the tree. Thankfully, my husband was able to get that stuff done and my lovely elf, Grace, made sure everything was wrapped. We pulled it together, but it was very low-key this year. And maybe that's not all that bad. 

I joked a couple weeks before Christmas that I didn't have a holiday picture of the kids yet, so in lieu of that, I may just have to use the collage above. That really didn't end up being a joke because that's what all I ended up doing. The pictures are from left to right, top to bottom ... Phillip and Grace snuggling with their faithful pup Suki, a piece of my work that I have on my keychain with the words, "Peace and All Good", the four of at Grandma's funeral lunch laughing and trying to line up for an extended family picture, at Grace's performance in "The King & I" last summer, Grace from her performance in the Ghosts of Galesburg Tour this fall, and Phillip dressed up for a skit the cousins were performing. All good times, and all good memories. So, yeah, I'm feeling a little twinge of guilt, and, yeah, I'll work on getting a few New Year's greetings out a little later. But, for the moment, I'm just going to be happy that things have slowed down a bit. I don't have much on my plate right now, and I'm going to enjoy it. It'll all be back to crazy way before I know it ... ;)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Design of the day? 
Celebrating moms!
One of my new designs, celebrating moms ... :)

She's always there ...
wiping tears, giving hugs, 

words of encouragement,

and taking care of you.

She'll forever be your #1 Fan,

cheering you on from the sidelines.

<3 <3 <3

Monday, November 25, 2013

Project: Habesha Momma Art

11.4.2013 ...Today, I got a message from one of my friends ...

...We have started a business called Habesha Momma Art, US and international artists selling their art to help women in apprenticeship programs become self sufficient. The project we are working on now is for a group of women in Ethiopia who will be trained to make pottery. 

I'm writing you to see if you would be interesting in working with me on a design. My partner in Habesha Momma recently visited these women and the most prevalent theme she continued to feel with them was shame. I would like to create a piece of jewelry symbolizing no more shame. We hope to give these women hope and help them restore their dignity. I would love to see what you could create with this subject in mind.  


I was truly touched and honored to be asked to work on this project, so I happily and immediately said YES! My brother and his wife adopted from Ethiopia as have some of my friends. Our parish priest is originally from Tanzania, and we've met many of his friends and family over the years. They have all become part of our family. Even though I've never been there, I feel like part of my heart is in Africa. I was thrilled to be asked to do something!

So, that's my assignment is for now. I can't wait to get started.  


11.8.2013 ... A look into my design process ...

Yes, that's right. Many times, my process starts with a post-it. I scribble different ideas down, and then, I think about it, mull it over, and work it out in my head. The ideas usually come very quickly, a strong image in my head. Then I get it on metal ASAP. It's almost like I can't focus on anything else until I get it out of my head.

My friend said that shame is the most prevalent theme among the women in the village, so I have been focusing on that word and the feelings associated with it. I would like to create a piece of jewelry symbolizing the end of shame. I want to focus on a positive message of hope, helping these women to restore their dignity. I started playing around with ideas and words, until I hit on something. I want to focus on a person's sense of worth, that she is loved, and knowing that she is enough. I think you can see that in my scribbled note on the left side of my picture.




That's exactly the message I want to convey. Now to work up a design

Yep, you got it, more post-it notes. I'm so high tech around here. ;)  I really liked the idea of lining the words up in some way from top to bottom, so I started playing. Sometimes, it takes a while to get the design just right. However, I was itching to get this into metal, so I didn't actually finalize it before I started stamping. I can be quite impatient at times. *lol*

I decided to go with a mixed metal layered piece, brass for the bottom and copper on the top. I quickly stamped one up, snapped a picture, and sent the image to my friend. Here it is ...

I sent it to her just like this, didn't even bother turning the photo around. And then I waited, really worried about what she was going to think. The word shame wasn't anywhere to be found on the piece, and I was concerned about going in a different direction. However, I felt led to design the piece the way I did, and I really loved the end result. I was hoping it would be what they wanted. Of course, facebook messenger lets you know when someone reads your message, so I knew when she saw it. I didn't get a response back for a little bit, so I started to worry ...

When she responded, this is what she wrote ...

             "Wow! so close it has me in tears! worthy loved enough...
           all SO fitting. I also love the mixed metals. This is 

Her note, of course, made me burst out in tears too (I'm a big softie like that). I'm so blessed to be able to do something I love so much. I enjoy taking someone's idea and making it into something they'll cherish. Their response is the best part of my job. I also love that this design will be helping some precious women on the other side of the world. It will have a positive impact on their lives. I'm so touched and honored that my friend had the faith in me to work on this project and toward Habesha Momma Arts' cause. 

Habesha Momma Art is targeting November 15th as their website launch date, so I'll be writing more as that deadline approaches. 


11.19.2013 ... Found this image in my email today:

It brought me to tears. Yes, I know I'm a baby, but I just love this image. The beautiful women that are pictured around the design are the women that the sale of this pendant will help. Such a small act on my part could make such a difference in someone else's life. Seeing this just made it that much more real to me. I love what I do, and I'm so blessed to be able to do it. <3


11.20.2013 ... My design is now in our Etsy shop. It's very exciting! Check it out here ... 

A portion of the sale of this pendant goes directly to the women pictured above. 
How cool is that? 


11.25.2013 ... The Habesha Momma Art Website Launched! I loved seeing their status this morning: 

"Introducing our website! Please take time to read Habesha Momma Art's story, see how you can get involved, and check out our beautiful art! Join us in buying for yourself or the precious women of your life a Simple 66 Stuff necklace that speaks to the world we are...Worthy Loved Enough!!!!"

Check out their website here:

I'm so excited for them!
These women have big dreams and huge hearts.
I'm so blessed to be a small part of their vision. 


Make a Difference.

Be the Change. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New designs hitting our etsy store!

Just wanted to show you some of the designs I've been working on. They should be hitting the etsy store sometime this week!


Most of these items never even made it into the store. They ended up being sold  before I had a chance to list them. 

Lesson to learn? 

If you like something that I posted and don't find it listed in the store, just ask me. I'd be glad to make another one, and if you'd like me to modify it in any way, just let me know. I aim to please.